Awareness Autism awareness month is here. As I look around at schools or in neighborhoods, I see “Support Autism” signs and homes with blue lights on them. The question I ask myself is, once the month is over what’s next for autism? I do appreciate the month where autism is placed on the forefront of Read More >>
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Fairness <,>, or = Self Worth
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I believe we have an innate sense of fairness, even from a young age. Little Johnny says, “Tommy hit me and he didn’t get in trouble, that’s not fair mommy”. As adults that innate sense of fairness doesn’t simply go away Just think of all the time at work when you got passed over for Read More >>
Parenting a Child with Special Needs…
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Having a child with special needs can be very overwhelming and life can be uncertain. When my son was first diagnosed with Autism, I was so lost and confused as to what will happen to him. As a parent, we all envision our children growing up, going to college, getting married and having children but when you Read More >>