Are you approaching the senior citizen age or actually there already? Have you retired from one job or about to? What are your plans going forward as father time creeps up on you? Well I’m glad you asked. There are many individuals that are currently faced with these questions and as yet have not found any answers.
I’m going to propose an answer to these questions that will initially sound daunting, if not flat out scary. May I suggest returning to school? I know that this presents an onslaught of other questions however, before allowing fear and interpretation to close your mind to the idea, consider the following.
It is a well-researched fact that as individuals age, the more he/she stays active mentally, the better that individual’s over-all mental health remains. Involvement in school activities not only helps keep the mind sharp, it increases social interactions in a variety of ways. Meeting new people, experiencing different cultures, being involved in all sorts of activities, and sharing your life experiences with others all lend to a healthier life style in addition to improved mental health. Depending on personal interests, needs and ambitions, returning to school can be an avenue for positive change.
On a personal note, I returned to school much later in life and found that as a non-traditional student
the over-all quality of my life has improved greatly. Avenues have opened up that I would have never imagined, I have gained new friends from all walks of life, and my goals have a much more positive spin other than just retiring and collecting retirement and Social Security. I feel that my life has begun anew.
Sorting out the idea of taking this step, at this time in life and as previously noted may appear daunting and scary. This is where the counselors here at Transitions can be of help for you. We can discuss your concerns and fears, offer some suggestions on courses of action, and walk side by side with you as you begin a new journey in your life.
Harold L. Willis, MA, LPC, LCDC, SAP
Transitions Counseling offers flexible scheduling hours to meet most client needs and budget.
Contact us today at 817-680-9218